SBC #3


Design and Science go hand in hand. When you think about how something should be made and how it will work, you need to consider various sciences, physics being the main one I suppose.



Can you draw a design for a new style of bird feeder? Here is your design spec:

  • Must hold nuts or seeds
  • Must be squirrel proof
  • Must be waterproof
  • Must provide shelter for birds
  • Must provide a perch for birds
  • Must involve natural materials

Good luck! I want to see some genius contraptions. Designs must be handed in by Thursday end of school to be in with a chance of winning.

Mr H-P

8 thoughts on “SBC #3

  1. Hey Mr H-P,
    I can’t really aford to buy the proper equipment I need…
    So I was wondering if I could possibly make it out of household objects?
    Sorry about that it may not be good to gold things, and sorry that I can’t enter properly!
    Sorry again… :(!
    -Sophie 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cant wait to do this competition because the science blog hasn’t been working on my computer. ;p


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