SBC #4

Science is funny…

Challenge: What’s your funniest science joke?

You can make up a joke or have a look online for the funniest one you can find.

Post your joke below for a chance to win the grand prize of a merit and a meeting with Wonky!

Example: I’m reading a great book on anti-gravity. I just can’t put it down.

Good luck!

37 thoughts on “SBC #4

  1. What did the sea say to the shore … Nothing they just waved


    Mr Penrose can I see wonky tomorrow from the first week I havnt done it yet


    1. Yes. Although technically you see her everyday! You can have a private audience with her at lunch time if you like. Bring her a dandelion!


  2. Who solves mysteries involving electricity?
    Sherlock Ohms.

    How does Einstein start his stories?
    Once upon a space-time.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Man: look !
    Woman: oh my my
    Both look at surprised face on periodic table .
    Man: I told you so
    Woman: It’s the element of surprise

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What did the receiver say to the radio wave? Ouch! That megahertz!

    What do you call two dinosaurs that have been in an accident? Tyrannosaurus wrecks!
    That’s all, I tried my best, good night everyone! 💤💤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What did one quantum physicist say when he wanted to fight another quantum physicist?… Let me atom


  6. Which books are the hardest to force your self to read through?… Friction books!


  7. Helium walks into a bar and orders a beer, the bartender says, “sorry we dont serve nobble gases here.” He doesn’t react.
    never trust atom. They make everything up


      1. Awesome. Take some good photos and I’ll give you a guest spot on my wildlife blog… You might get in a magazine too!


  8. Two atoms are talking

    One says I think I’ve lost an electron

    are you shore said the other one

    I’m positive

    I hope it was funny if not I tryed my hardest o well


  9. How do you know the moon is going broke?
    Because it’s down to its last quarter


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