SBC #6 

Old Wives Tales 

Ever heard the phrase, go out in the cold with wet hair and you’ll catch a cold? That is what is known as an ‘old wives tale’. You don’t catch a cold from being cold… But it might weaken your immune system, allowing germs to get in easier. 


Find out the most ridiculous ‘old wives tale’ that you can. 

25 thoughts on “SBC #6 

  1. “Cheese dreams” — the idea that eating cheese or dairy before bedtime will give you bizarre nightmares — are largely thought to be a myth. But a bewildering study by the British Cheese Board claims to have proven that they’re real. The board surveyed 200 volunteers who ate a variety of cheeses before bedtime, and reported that most of them recorded peculiar dreams the day afterward.

    Frankly, this may just say a lot about the sort of person who volunteers for a study at the British Cheese Board. More research is needed.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A horseshoe hung in the bedroom will keep nightmares away.

    If your hand itches it means that you are going to run into some money.

    People believe that loud noise scares the devil which is why New Year’s is celebrated with as much noise as possible, church bells rung at midnight for this reason.


    1. Wow! I didn’t know any of these. I’m going to start itching my hands more often.


  3. If you pull out a white hair, ten more will grow in its place.

    Cutting of fingernails on Friday or Sunday brings bad luck.

    The Indians from Peru, used to wash their babies in llama urine to ward off evil spirits.


    1. I’ve never heard that one! I’m not sure knowing this will help me next time I’m trying to go to sleep!


  4. If you swallow chewing gum it will wrap itself around your innards and strangle your insides to death.


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