SBC #6 

Old Wives Tales 

Ever heard the phrase, go out in the cold with wet hair and you’ll catch a cold? That is what is known as an ‘old wives tale’. You don’t catch a cold from being cold… But it might weaken your immune system, allowing germs to get in easier. 


Find out the most ridiculous ‘old wives tale’ that you can. 

SBC #5


Do you know that scientists actually know more about space that they do about what it’s like in our deepest darkest oceans? Humans can only dive so far down, and remote cameras can only teach us so much. In the deepest parts we have explored, there are see-through fish and crustaceans that use fibre-optics (lights and colours) to communicate. Mermaids might not have been found yet, but there is plenty of sea yet to explore!

Challenge: Find out the most interesting fact about the ocean.

SBC #4

Science is funny…

Challenge: What’s your funniest science joke?

You can make up a joke or have a look online for the funniest one you can find.

Post your joke below for a chance to win the grand prize of a merit and a meeting with Wonky!

Example: I’m reading a great book on anti-gravity. I just can’t put it down.

Good luck!

SBC #3


Design and Science go hand in hand. When you think about how something should be made and how it will work, you need to consider various sciences, physics being the main one I suppose.



Can you draw a design for a new style of bird feeder? Here is your design spec:

  • Must hold nuts or seeds
  • Must be squirrel proof
  • Must be waterproof
  • Must provide shelter for birds
  • Must provide a perch for birds
  • Must involve natural materials

Good luck! I want to see some genius contraptions. Designs must be handed in by Thursday end of school to be in with a chance of winning.

Mr H-P

A New Club for Wildlife Enthusiasts!

Dear followers of the science blog. I’m sure some of you have been wondering why science club wasn’t on the list of clubs that went out last week. Well, that is because I’m postponing science club until after Christmas.

Until then, I’m starting…


Activities will include things such as bird watching, mini beast collecting, plant identification, photography, wildlife conservation and lots of other fun things for nature lovers! It is still a science club really, but with a focus on natural sciences and wildlife rather than classroom based experiments. You might also be excited to learn that Mr Waters, my partner in crime from last year has been roped in to returning, for one night only, to run a special session on African wildlife! Mr Waters is a passionate conservationist and ornithologist who grew up in Kenya surrounded by some of the world’s most fascinating animals.

Letters will be going out next week. The club will be open to 20 children from years 4, 5 and 6 at Selsdon. I have not yet finalised a day for the club but it will be after school and definitely not on a Monday. The club will hopefully start the week after next. Here’s a taster of what you might see and do!

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Mr H-P

SBC #2


Birds are all around us. From my classroom window I have seen parakeets, pigeons, blackbirds, sparrows and all sorts of others. They are amazing creatures to look at as they vary so much depending on species. 


Draw the best bird. You can choose the species but there are a few rules. 

  • You must have seen the bird 
  • You must know the name of the species
  • Entries must be in by Thursday 3.20pm 

Happy birding science fans! 

Mr H-P 

Albino Squirrel – Selsdon Wood

Hi Science Fans,

Today I took a walk in Selsdon Wood and found an albino squirrel. They are incredibly rare so if you get a chance you should take a wander and see if you can see him. It is estimated that there are only around 25 in the UK. That is 1 in 100,000 squirrels! They seem to like it in Surrey so you’ve got a chance of seeing one if you’re quiet and look for moving leaves. I spotted this one in the far corner of the woods.


For the whole story…

Mr H-P

Competition #1

Wow it’s been a long summer… welcome back!

Some of you may remember that we run a competition here each week. Your first challenge, should you choose to accept it is:


A Peacock Butterfly I spotted in my Parents' garden in Cornwall last week.
A Peacock Butterfly I spotted in my Parents’ garden in Cornwall last week.

How many types of butterfly can you identify in your garden or nearest park. Try to go somewhere that has lots of flowers as they attract the butterflies. This is a national scheme run every year in August to count the different types of butterfly species all over the country. The reason this is done is so that scientists know which species are endangered and which are doing well.

Use this ID chart to help with your butterfly spotting.

Butterfly ID Chart

You will need to sit in one place, ideally in the sunshine, for about 20 minutes and note down all the species you see.

You can post your sightings in the comments box below, or you can print off your ID chart and bring it to show me!

I can’t wait to get all sciency.

Quick update: I did the challenge on Sunday in Nunhead Cemetery. I saw about 6 Butterflies. 2 Speckled Woods and 4 Small Whites. Here are the best pictures I took. IMG_1354 IMG_1288

Mr Harper-Penrose