Mind Blowing Facts!

For the last time this year, your challenge is to find the most mind blowingly awesome scientific fact that you can.

Example: 🌕

On Saturn’s moon, ‘Titan’, the atmosphere is so thick and the gravity so low, that a human could actually fly like a bird!

Have fun and good luck!

p.s. There will be a special prize for the winner this week!


Funny Animal Fact 

This week’s competition is to find out the funniest animal fact that you can. 


🐼 A panda is born smaller than a mouse! 

🐔 A chicken with red earlobes will lay a brown egg! 

Have fun finding out how funny animals can be. Good luck with the your entry. One entry per person please. Be selective! 

Mr H-P 


SBC – Aliens

Aliens: Don’t panic, we’re not being invaded! Everyone has a picture in their head of what aliens might look like. I want to know what you think.

Task: Write your best alien description. Think about it scientifically. There is no oxygen in space that we know of so would aliens need a nose to breathe through? Whatever you think, do your best to describe your idea of an alien! The most imaginative description wins.

Example: I think aliens might be exact copies of us. They could exist on a far away, undiscovered planet that has a similar atmosphere to ours. They are an advanced race and have been watching us for entertainment for years. It has got to the point that we are seen as celebrities and the aliens have started having surgery to look exactly like us. The only difference is that they don’t speak, instead they communicate with their minds.

Good luck!

SBC Winners 

Well done to Caitlin in 2P and Felipe in 4S. 

Caitlin made a moving squid in a bottle and Felipe made a tornado in a jar. 

Well done to everyone who entered… It was a tough choice as all the experiments looked and sounded very interesting. I want to try all the experiments! Tune in again on Sunday for the next SBC! 

Mr H-P 

SB Competition 🔬


All good scientists love experiments! Carrying out an experiment is the only way to test a theory.

Task: Plan and carry out a science experiment at home. Post the write up of your experiment here, including the method (what you did) and the results! The most scientific experiment wins! If you can film it, post a link to your video here as evidence. 📹

Good luck!

Mr H-P

SB Competition 

Dinosaurs 🐊

In anticipation of Jurassic World, this week we’re going prehistoric! 


Post the most shocking, unusual or funny dinosaur fact. 


Did you know that the closest living ancestor of the T-Rex is a chicken? Sqwark! 

Good luck!

Mr H-P


Medicine 💊

One of science’s greatest achievements is the creation of modern medicine. There are so many different cures for different things. These days we can buy lots of medicines in a pharmacy, but back in ancient times medicine was much harder to come by. People in some parts of the world would go to their local Witch Doctor if they had a cold, they would then perform rituals on them consisting of lots of strange things! 

Task: Find out about a bizarre ancient cure for an illness. The strangest ‘cure’ wins. 

Example: In ancient Egypt, healers believed that illness was caused by ‘bad blood’ so if you were ill they would cut you or use leeches to suck out some of your blood. This process was used for thousands of years! 💉 

Good luck! 


Healthy Eating 

You might not think about science every time you eat, but the nutrients in our food are very scientific! Our bodies are programmed to run off certain amounts of vitamins and minerals found within certain foods. I’m sure you’ve all heard that eating 5 potions of fruit and veg a day is good for you… but how many of you actually do it?


Keep a food diary for the next few days. See how many portions of fruit and veg you normally eat. Don’t change your diet for the purpose of the challenge. The idea is to see how healthy your diet is… then if need be you can change it!

I’m starting my diary today!

Mr H-P